Saturday, July 14, 2012

Long Time no See Spidey!

Just saw The Amazing Spiderman.... Gotta say, it was amazing.  Hahaha...ha... anyways.

I admit when I first heard they were making it I was like: Oh please!  Cause Spiderman 3 pretty much killed my liking of Spidey.  And Spidey up until that movie had been one of my favourite super heroes for as long as I can remember!

But Marvel, oh the wonderful Marvel, my love for that web slinging bug head has been rekindled!! Andrew Garfield did a great job!  He packed so much emotion into his performance and was so spidey!  With the wise cracks and stuff.  I was spellbound the entire time!  And I think Gwen Stacey is a better fit than Mary Jane personally!

Go see it!  You will not be disappointed!!