Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who Needs Cable

I saw Star Trek.

It was awesome.

I can't say anything except go see it and be awed.

Oh... my... gosh...

Please go see it so I can blab about it.

In other news I finished reading Inferno this week.  That one blew my mind but in a good way.  I very much enjoyed it and found myself agreeing with the villain, which was kind of a scary thought.

Now I'm halfway through re-reading Angels and Demons.  Almost finished re-watching Avatar.  Not quite ready to let go of my relax and do whatever I want mentality.

Also, first show is in two weeks.  Bring it on. :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


So this week I got to enjoy a well earned staycation!  My gosh did I ever need it!

Of course the latest I slept till was like.... quarter to eight... And that was after waking up at 6:30.  Such is life, lol!  But there's something so relaxtion about being able to just stay in bed just cause you want to, read a few chapters, and ignore your cats as they desperately beg for food... even though they still have some in their bowls.

This was the course of my week:
Wake up, stubbornly close my eyes till it was a more respectable day off wake up time.
Get up start breakfast.
Go to the stable and ride.
Depending on the time either start lunch or pop in a disc of Fullmetal Alchemist.
Watch two or three disks.  Sketch while watching.


Needless to say I finished the entire series (51 episodes) by Thursday.  I also finished the Lost Symbol in a couple of days.  Then after a short break picked up Inferno.  I forgot how fun those mysteries are.

Sad that it's over, but hey work is fun and it keeps me productive.  It's a good thing I'm not rich, I'd probably be the laziest rich person ever.

Oh duh!  I also turned 24 on Wednesday!!

There's something about the number 24 that feels... older... When I kept thinking about it I felt two things:
Wow that's old.
And:  am I really that young??

I keep feeling like I'm a few years older than I am.  So it's refreshing to remind myself that I'm still young and that really youth is in your attitude not your age. :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Comic Con

So.... totally... Awesome!

There's a huge liberating feeling that comes by being surrounded by a whole bunch of other people who are totally in love with all the geeky stuff you are, happily walk around in costume, and getting the chance to get the autographs of people you've admired for years.

I found out I was going on Sunday so no I did not dress up.  But next year baby!  I just have to decide what character from what game/movie/anime/comic/book.... Good thing I have a year!  But I felt totally silly when, after I'd found out I never thought to check who would be coming, and when I was already at my brother's and found out Vic Mignogna would be there.... I first completely spazzed out and then the thought hit me:

WHY DIDN'T I BRING MY FMA DVDS????  (Well one of the 14).  (Those of you who don't know:
FMA = Fullmetal Alchemist.  My favourite anime series and Vic Mignogna voices one of the main characters. :D)

Oh well!  Next time for sure!

My brother kept laughing at me while we were waiting in line and I kept spazzing out, grinning and going: Oh my gosh I think I'm shaking!

Apparently I can get pretty incredibly star struck.

But man!  He's seriously a really nice and totally awesome guy.  Happily chatted with us in line, big smile, and it was seriously really awesome!!

That grin was with me for probably the entire day.

Yeah... Totally awesome... Must return next year with a costume and more spending money.