I am Number Four
....Admittedly right after finishing the book I uttered an "ugh". Right up until the climax I was enjoying it. The characters, the aliens and powers, it was fun. Definitely not my all time favourite, but it didn't feel like a chore... Then it got to what's supposed to be the real page turner... Ugh... It hurt my brain to read. I found it was hard for me to visualise what was going on and because of that, I couldn't really feel what the characters were going through and it left a bland taste in my mouth (so to speak, I don't eat books).
If I don't cry when a main character dies there's a problem. Though my brother was joking that it's probably because I saw the movie and was more preoccupied about when he was actually going to die, lol! But normally I'd still cry. It was dissapointing because part of why I love books is that they make me feel, they transport me into another world, and I start to really care about and know the characters.
But I found with this book, I couldn't do that. He jumped around with his descriptions and I spent most of my time keeping things straight, instead of really enjoying the story.
I wasn't sorry I read it. But it's hard for me to say I liked it. I preferred the movie, which I don't think has ever happened. I'm not even sure I'll read the next book.
My biggest problem was that it reminded me of some of my united works. And if I feel my editing brain kick in it's never enjoyable. My editing brain is a bit of a perfectionist jerk and can really kill the fun in a story really fast. (We've fought quite a bit while I've written).
I've had a pet peeve grow over time for writing/reading. The authors I like t read will convey the emotion a character is feeling without stating what that emotion is. Describe what is happening, instead of saying "they are sad". More like how every step they had to take away from their loved ones caused them pain. Their vision blurred from their tears. Trouble breathing because of a tight chest, etc, etc. And I think part of what I really didn't like was how often he used the word smile. Because I tend to overuse it too and I really don't like being reminded of it.
It's not so much an error, but there are ways with a little extra editing to make things less repetitive. Anywho, that's my mini rant, lol!
The Hunger Games
It was definitely exciting! I was up reading frequently till 9:30-10:00 (which is late for me), and couldn't wait to dive back in as soon as I woke up. I love the characters, was terrified for each of them (I think it's worse knowing most have to die), and was definitely thrilled.
But there were things with the writing that bugged me a lot. If you've tossed three fireballs at the main character already, it's too late to describe the size. I've already pictured them in my head. And it's another one that I found the emotions a bit... superficial. I didn't feel as strongly as I have with other stories what Katniss was feeling. And I found it hard to really be in her head and seeing the story from her point of view.
However, unlike I am Number Four, the story was gripping enough that I could overlook the writing and enjoy the read. And I do want to pick up the next books and read them! I also really can't wait for the movie.
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