There's change coming in my life, and I'm quite looking forward to it. A bit of apprehension, but it's coming at the right time. Just have to go figure out how to implement it. But I'll trust in Him, He knows what to do.
After the Temple we went to an all you can eat buffet. I ate three plates of yummy food and laughed a lot. Great times!
Then we went to the Biodome, haven't been there in years!! I was so excited! (Lots of bouncing and clapping of hands and grinning... may have been some squealing). It was my first time going in the winter and I never realized how hot the tropical zone is. The animals were kind of sleepy, but still a lot of fun to go and see them. They had otters!!!! Last time I went they didn't have any! So, so, SO cute! I spent the most time with the Penguins (obviously). Cheeky things all had their backs to us (one was proudly showing it's bum). I love the ones with the eyebrows, they look like they have so much attitude. Like: Hey watchu lookin' at? Priceless.
Then I accidentally left the area early to go to the gift shop. For some reason I didn't think the exit would be guarded. OOPS! So me and my new friend Larry the Otter hung out on a bench and got a lot of strange looks from people.
But seriously, could you resist this face?