Sunday, April 14, 2013


So this week (dear heavens was Wednesday really just a few days ago??  Moving on)  SO this week I picked up Quiet which I highly suggest anyone, especially introverts pick up and read!  I'm not really far into it, but I have to say it is enlightening, and a huuuuge relief.

Which, the relief kind of surprised me.  I've been quite comfortable with my introvertness for quite a few years now, but it's really comforting reading about how so many people have accomplished great things, quietly.

Though as thoroughly as I'm enjoying the book, it's also giving me quite a few "brain frying" moments.

It's not that its complicated, oh no it's quite straightfoward and easy to follow.  But what fries my brain is when she explains the hows and whys we live in such an extroverted world.  And how so many people are pushing extrovertism.  And I have to go:  Are you people serious??

For example, I'm not sure if this is the case everywhere, but she was saying that more and more schools are adopting the pods system for classes.  Where instead of desks being set up in rows, they're grouped in four facing each other.  And that more and more classes are being done as discussions, with more group projects and etc, even creative writing.


I had many exclamations of: SERIOUSLY?? Are people serious?? Are you kidding me?  (I haven't been taking the book out in public) 

Because it worries me so much that this is the way people seem to be headed.  Not everyone works well with others and that's okay.  That's fine.  Solitude is not a bad thing.  Being able to work independently is something that should not be overlooked.  It's not the group that makes success, but the individuals that make up that group.

If people are being brought up to always have someone to co-ordinate with.  How the heck are they going to survive in the real world?

And creative writing in a group?  Dear heavens that would've killed my love of the craft.  Don't get me wrong, it can be fun.  But if it's all the time, the truly creative minds who adore it will be held back by those who want nothing to do with it.

What my biggest concern is though is the fact that Introverted behaviour is being labelled as a bad thing.  An anti social thing.

Yes, I do prefer spending time alone with my books, video games, cats, etc.  I dread social outings and get nervous before heading out with friends.  When I'm chatting at the stable, part of me is always thinking: this is fun but I want to head home and play some games.

And no, there is nothing wrong with that.  I have nothing against extroverts, it is because of extroverts that I even talk in the first place.  (Well sort of, when I'm comfortable and have the chance I will talk your ear off... I apologize in advance).  And we need people who aren't afraid to go out there and do stuff or lead others to get things done.

But we also need the quiet thinkers who'll spend hours alone honing their skills and getting ideas.

And really, could you imagine the world if everyone did all the talking?  Who would listen?

I feel like I'm blabbering along.  But I seriously, highly recommend the book.  It's been an eye-opening, brain frying read, and I can't wait to read more of it!

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