Saturday, June 29, 2013

Science VS Religion

I haven't done this much research since I was obsessively reading anything and everything related to Anicent Egypt.  It's exciting and thrilling because it has my brain actively thinking and analyzing the world around me again, and it reminded me of how much I love science.

I've been watching a youtube video series, which if you have me on facebook you'll know about it since I've posted a couple of links.  Why I Left Mormonism  I highly recommend it.  He's very unbiased and has no animosity which I find really incredible.

Anyways, while I was watching part 5, it suddenly struck me (enough that I sat bolt upright and opened up my blog) the reason why it's so hard, if not impossible, for human beings to discuss religious "truths"  And it is because so much of it is based in our emotions.

What words do we hear most often when people are talking about it?  I feel, I know, I testify, etc.

Whereas in science, every single form of science, you have facts, equations, variables, etc.  And although a scientist may be emotionally invested in their work, at the end of the day you cannot deny scientific evidence.  It is entirely based on evidence that can be seen, that can be proved or disproved, and at the end of the day it had nothing to do with emotional based spiritual experiences.

I don't know what may or may not be true regarding God.  But I do have some strong hypotheses and experiences that I had conveniently forgotten while living in the Mormon church.  Truthfully at this point I am hesitant, even unwilling to believe specifically in god.  But, I do feel that there is a power out there that helps to shape the universe, and I do feel that in a way, it helps guide us when we need its guidance.

But ultimately I feel we are very much in control of our own destinies and can literally influence the world around us.  Watch and learn.

I guess I just wish that it were possible to discuss our views without our emotions getting in the way.  But when it comes to beliefs and religions, it's not necessarily impossible, but it is very likely to be charged with emotion, because that is what it is based in.

Really though life at the end of the day is about being happy.  And I think the only way to be happy is to be true to yourself.  For me that meant leaving the church.  I haven't felt this happy or comfortable in my own skin in years.  It's easier to talk to and connect with people.  I no longer worry about the spirit being offended.  Now all I worry about is if my horse is okay and knowing what I can do to help bring a little more equality and understanding into the world.

Writing has become easier because I'm more willing to look at things objectively and I haven't been distracted by a constant nagging guilt.  I recently did a big writer no-no and deleted everything off my computer from that book series I've been talking about for years.  I felt it necessary to do a complete do over.  So for now it's just gonna sit as a vacant spot in my computer until I can reboot my brain properly.

But I'm excited.  Cause there are so many mysteries left to explore and I can wander all over the place without fear.  I can find truth wherever it lies and communicate with people of different races, religions and sexual orientations without worry.  We're all human and that's all that matters.


  1. I consider myself to be extremely spiritual but far from religous. Religion separates us and it is not how we are meant to live. I consider living organisisms to be fragments of the Source, Creator. And united we are One. I try to follow the Laws of the Universe (google it and be amazed), and myself am very facsinated with Metaphysics. A "spiritual science". Emotions have been a study of mine for the last couple years and only now have I scratched the surface. God is different to everyone and I believe that "human beings" designed to make mistakes and sin, will not be banished to eternal hell by our just doesn't make sense. That is how we evolve. I commend you for taking such Brave action with your individuality and you should be very Proud of yourself. Now is time to begin the incredible journey to self discovery...and THAT is what our true God would want from His children <3

    1. Metaphysics is absolutely fascinating and I want to study it more indepth. I love how it opens up the world and yet connects us all at the same time. Beautiful and amazing!

      Thank you :) I very much feel that He didn't mean for us to be restricted and controlled. In control of ourselves for sure, and taking care not to infringe on others, but definitely finding out what resonates with us and keeping in tune with that. Life is really exciting right now. :D
