Sunday, June 9, 2013

We Went Mudding

So, I've had this crazy desire for 10+ years.  It comes from the days I had free time and cable and could actually watch show jumping on the weekends.  Whenever I'd see a horse that had crazy wet and muddy footing, part of me thought it looked like a lot of fun to ride through that.  No, seriously, I thought it looked like fun.

Fast forward to the present (well yesterday) and I finally got my chance!  Minus the jumping.

And honestly, it was fun.

People kept commenting on how clean she was.  I 'm still in shock at that.

I was a little concerned at first because Belle usually skirts around every puddle, but I guess when the entire ground is saturated, she doesn't care.  She splashed through that soggy ground like a pro and I couldn't be happier with how she did!

This is going to suck to clean.

It's the first show where after tediously cleaning all my tack I thought to myself:  Why did I bother?  My tack has never looked so disgusting, lol!!  And although I do enjoy cleaning tack, I don't enjoy having to do it so frequently.  (Ie: I clean tack before shows and clinics... occasionally during the winter if it's really bad).

But hey, my horse rode through puddles and even though one of our leg yields was practically non existent and we didn't make the letter (they shortened the ring I swear), placing 5th in both our tests in some pretty big classes leaves this girl feeling very proud of her pony.  This was quite the first show of the season to take her too!

It also helps to know great people who are willing to help you out when you're in a bind!  :)  Belle enjoyed having an entourage.

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